If your dog is registered with any other domestic registry as a type B Rat Terrier, and you desire to register them into the American Kennel Club, follow the instructions below:
Do NOT send your original pedigrees!
1. The pedigree must be a minimum of 3 generations. (The parents, grandparents, and great grandparents behind your dog.)
2. The pedigree must have been issued by a domestic (United States of America) registry.
3. The pedigree must include registration numbers for the dogs in the pedigree. (There is a secondary process to obtain registration numbers for dogs without registration numbers in the pedigree but it is tedious, please ensure you are providing any and all registration numbers when available.)
4. Include a cover letter with your email and phone number in case we have questions.
5. Include a copy of genetic testing for CDPA to ensure your dog carries the "short legged gene".
6. Make a copy of your pedigree(s) and submit $10 for each submission payable to ATRTC and mail to: ARTCA c/o Deb Botruff 1351 Hudsonville Rd Holly Springs MS 38635